Check this out! 🐟 πŸ›

Today dad gave his caretaker a day off to spend in Kalamata with her friend so Tina and I were on the job.

Dad wanted to head down to the cafe to hang with his buddies so off we went. It’s soooooo nice to see him laughing and chatting with his buddies like he used to. It brings me such comfort seeing him where he feels most comfortable.

I’m not sure what they are talking about, but it’s always with conviction.

I can only take so much Greek talk, and with the port full of interesting sea creatures, it was only minutes before I had to explore. However, before I set out on my expedition, a fisherman pulled up with his lot.

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡· 🐟

Check this out!

🐚 πŸ¦€

When I was a kid dad used to make me a fishing line with a little hook and my bait was bread with feta cheese mashed up to make a sort of dough. I would fish for hours from here and give my haul to the stray cats.

One day I had a particularly good day and one guy said to my dad: that little boy sure is a good fisherman. The man was referring to me and my dad’s response was: you’re right, but that is my daughter. 😁

I thought it was funny that all these years later, dads two middle aged daughters are just as interested in doing the same things. Crawling around the boats and fishing sea life out of the water.


After several hours of lazing around, we went to Stoupa for lunch. Stoupa is a village about 3km’s away. It is a little bigger with more shops and a sandy beach. We had a great spot that overlooked the sea.

Enjoying the view.

It was good to see dad with his appetite back.

Now that’s a chop!!

Later on, it was back to the cafe to hang. Suddenly Tina started freaking out that something was in her hair. After a few violent flips of her hair and some flailing about, this little guy popped out.

Cute little thing.

Tomorrow is our last day in the village. We need to get back to Athens and prepare for our trip back. It will be tough to leave dad, but we have comfort in knowing he has excellent care for the next while until he’s strong enough to head back to Canada.

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