Sweat it out.

It was a beautiful day as we arrived at the course for a 8:16 practice round time. It began with removing anything extra from the bag. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t need 4 dozen gloves in his bag, so those came out.

Someone was a little extra with regards to the gloves…

After a nice warm up, who by the way, warms up in the strangest way starting with a hybrid before even a stretch or a practice swing. It’s like he’s a junior and heads straight for the long ones. It takes me about 50 wedge shots to even begin to think about moving to a 9-iron.

Ripping hybrids straight out of the car.

These balls are the newest Terry has hit since he found that ‘pearl’ in the pile of balls at the practice range at The Palms. He likes to play them until they no longer shine, and then play them until they are grey.

We played the front 9 this morning and then the back 9 after lunch. It was nice to break it up a bit as it is a lot to take in and you want to have the energy to be mindful of all the things you need to.

More players are starting to show up and it’s getting busy around the practice area.

Everyone cramming for the upcoming event.

Fortunately Terry booked us a nice time right in the heat of the day at 1:16 and we played with Phillip Price. He and his caddy Wayne were a pleasure to play with. Super nice guys from England who have been around for a long time. They were friendly and glad to answer any questions we may have had.

Terry mentioned that Phillip had said to him they this was the hilliest course he has played in 30 years of tour golf!

You know you are sweating it out when you drink about 10 bottles of water and you don’t go to the bathroom all day. Not once. Neither of us.

After the round we headed to the range to rip a few drivers. The show is starting to show up and there was nice string of players and champions hitting in a row.

Hard to see them, but trust me, they are there.

Terry picked a nice spot next to this guy:

Recognize this guy?

After it was all said and done, we treated ourselves to some creamy and dreamy custard. Yum.

Tomorrow we will play 9 holes around 1 again.

Day 2 step count: 20 912

9.5 miles walked.

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One thought on “Sweat it out.

  1. BAYOU Billy Nob

    Love the commentary…feels like we are Right there…thanks Corina !

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