Today, I felt it.

I crawled my way out of bed around 8am and saw my dad. After a big hug, we spend the next few hours relaxing, chatting, and sharing this view.

There used to be an iconic fig tree front and center, it is sad to see it gone, but admittedly it’s absence has dramatically improved the view from our balcony.

My dad is doing quite well considering, only two months ago, he was on deaths door. He moves a little slower as his legs have been weakened from being in a Hosptial bed for 4 weeks, but he’s better every day.

Once he turned in for a nap, my sister and I headed for a walk around the village.

Just a random road lined with a pretty stone fence.
Although these look kind of like upside down Lily’s, apparently they are called the devil horn something or other and are extremely poisonous.
Beautiful turquoise water.

After a delicious lunch a nap was in order. I was expecting an hour or so, but 3 hours later I still felt like a bit of a 🧟‍♀️ Nonetheless, I picked myself up and got ready for an outing with my dad, his helper, and my sister.

Dinner was great, a nice walk, and before you know it, it’s midnight.

Tomorrow, beach day.

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